Cognitive behavioral second generation therapy is characterized by shifting the way you relate to behavior, emotions and thoughts. By transforming the way you perceive yourself and the world, you will develop a realistic and positive way of thinking. You will be able to resolve a problem through acknowledging and accepting it and then learn to implement solutions.
Sometimes you feel stuck with a problem and don’t see a way out. Third generation behavioral therapy will support you in learning mindfulness skills, self acceptance and effective ways of dealing with emotions, thoughts and issues. It is not about changing your feelings and thoughts but to look from a different angle which will make your problem seem smaller or less important.
The techniques of this therapy bring your awareness to the here and now. They guide you to observe yourself from a distance and teach you to differentiate between your ‘reaction to pain’ and your ‘actual pain’. You will realise the difference between ‘what you think about a situation’ and ‘the situation itself’.
The third generation of behavioral therapy teaches you for example to deal with your worries and compulsive thoughts using mindfulness and meditation techniques.
You will be explained that thoughts are just thoughts; so that you will come to see that you don’t need to engage with them. Additionally you will be taught that you can function in life regardless of having anxious or depressive thoughts. Your thoughts are not really true, they are only your reflection of reality. Even if your head continues to produce thoughts – which it will do – you will learn to not be carried away by them and to focus on the here and now. This way you will regain your calmness and choose consciously the steps you want to take in your life.
I also use the transpersonal therapy that pays attention to the deeper meaning of everything that happens to us.