Holidays are important for everyone. Some people will choose the most noisy and busy places to withdraw from everyday life including busy beaches, parties, city trips … ..

Highly sensitive people will often prefer something different like peace, nature, art, music, dance, creativity …

Some highly sensitive people are affected by wifi radiation, street noise, loud voices or just  don’t like being in a crowd. During their holidays, they prefer to avoid these distractions which don’t seem to bother other people.

‘El Pajar’ is a house built in Visalibons by a highly sensitive woman, to suit her needs and those of her five daughters. The house feels like a haven; is made with recycled materials, natural products and with lots of love and care. It is situated at the top of the village. Cars can’t reach the house and very seldom people walk by, so your rest and peace is guaranteed. The village itself is very small. There is no cafe, shop or restaurant but within a radius of 10 km you can find all comforts: from swimming pool to supermarket, restaurant and petrol station.

The house is spacious and light with an amazing view over the valley and surrounding mountains.There is a beautiful patio and a garden around the house. Next to the garden there is forest with walking paths leading towards the mountains or valley below. You will find plenty of space to be by yourself and enjoy the stunning nature.